Manila Folders

March 10, 2019

Hello My Name is Loca, and I’m a Special Pug

There isn’t much for me to write here. I first learned about Loca back in 2012, and this song has stuck with me since. I hope this Loca and this song bring you as much joy as it does to me.


I discovered Caleborate and his album “Real Person” last year, and it quickly made it’s way into my regular rotation of albums. My introduction to Caleborate was the music video for “4 Willem” which I included below. He kicks off the song with: “The sun don’t shine everyday. The money don’t last when you broke.” Between that first line and the high drums mixed with the piano, I could immediately sense the realness of the record, but his honesty hit home when I jumped into the first verse with:

“My life is like the election. Fuck it, man. It can’t get too much worse than this.”

On that note, I’ll let you watch the music video and enjoy the rest of the album.

You can find Caleborate on Apple Music, and SoundCloud.


This is rad. That’s all.